Success Calculator

How long will it take you to graduate with an associate degree?

Tell us how you did in high school:

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Tell us how you plan to do in college:

How many credits do you plan to earn per semester?

When do you plan to complete both of your first college-level English and Math courses?

Which major do you intend to graduate with?

Do you plan to take at least one semester break (excluding summer) before graduation?

Do you think you will change your major in the future? How many times do you think you will change your major while at CFK?

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Tell us a little about yourself:

Are you required to take at least 1 remedial/developmental course?

Are you a transfer student from a different college?

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How long will it take you to graduate with an associate degree?

4.5 Years

Change your scenario:

Tell us how you plan to do in college:

How many credits do you plan to earn per semester?

When do you plan to complete both of your first college-level English and Math courses?

What will your major be upon graduation?

Do you plan to take at least one semester break (excluding summer) before graduation?

Do you think you will change your major in the future? How many times do you think you will change your major while at CFK?

Tell us a little about yourself:

Are you required to take at least 1 remedial/developmental course?

Are you a transfer student from a different college?

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