At The College of the Florida Keys, going to college is about more than just going to classes. That's why we encourage student and faculty participation in extracurricular activities and organizations. The following clubs are currently registered and chartered at CFK and are open for membership by any CFK student who has enrolled in at least two courses during the academic year.


Aquaculture Society

works to further national aquaculture societies outreach, providing benefits, activities, and news to students at CFK. This club provides increased opportunity for students to organize and participate in activities that relate to aquaculture on a local scale.

Club Advisor: Charles Gregory,, Co-Advisor: Matthew Semcheski,

Creative Expresions Club

is a thriving community for aspiring artists to cultivate their craft and share their passion for creative expression. The club fosters growth through feedback, exposure, and learning from experienced artists. It engages with the community through events and collaborations, highlighting various art forms like photography, painting, drawing and more.

Club Advisor: Kristina Neihouse

Culinary Club

provides students with a passion for culinary arts and management to develop cooking and catering skills. Club members explore the amazing world of food and participate in activities to share their culinary talents with the community.

Club Advisor, Chef Juliusburger,

Crochet Club

Provides a welcoming environment for students to gather, learn, and engage in crochet activities. The club seeks to promote creativity, offer a space for relaxation, and foster community through the shared love of crochet. We encourage members to develop their skills, share knowledge, and participate in community crochet projects.

Advisor: Marissa Owens,

Gay Straight Alliance

is a student club creating a safe, welcoming school environment for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. It provides a supportive community for LGBTQ+ students, those questioning, allies, and advocates.

Advisor: John Rouge,

Geeks and Gamers Club

serves as a place for technologically driven students to discuss topics related to gaming, film and TV, as well as partake in book reviews, board games and competitions.

Club Advisor: Bryan Gaitan,

Mud Pi Club

is a student-based, extracurricular organization dedicated to advancing ceramic arts at CFK, and surrounding communities. The purpose of the club is to expand the awareness of the ceramic arts and to support personal growth through self-expression in clay.

Club Advisor, TBA

Outcasts for Christ

is a vibrant campus ministry that establishes and advances the mission of restoring prudence, morality, fortitude, and temperance on campus and in the community.

Club Advisor: Charles Goulding,
Co Advisor: Dr. April Allen,

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

is an international honor society that recognizes academic achievement of college students and to provide opportunities for them to grow as scholars and leaders. CFK’s Rho Epsilon chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society is open to students who have completed at least 12 credits of coursework and have a GPA of 3.25 or higher.

Advisor: Caeley Flowers,

Sailing Club

offers beginners, intermediate and advanced sailing skills that boosts students’ knowledge and confidence on the water. Club members participate and demonstrate boat safety, boat handling, marine engineering and navigation both on and offshore.

Club Advisor: Michelle Stettner,

Scuba Club

seeks to unite CFK students through passion for the underwater world and to build connections within the environment. The club educates and builds awareness of the importance of these ecosystems through scuba diving events, community service, outreach efforts, and other fun activities.

Club Advisor, Lucja Rice,

Special Olympics College Club

is the official representative body that serves as the liaison between the student body and the administration. The SGA is responsible for advocating for student interests, providing a platform for students to voice their concerns, and allocating funding for student activities and initiatives.

Club Co-Advisor: Marissa Owens,, Co-Advisor: Caeley Flowers,

Student Government Association

is the official representative body that serves as the liaison between the student body and the administration. The SGA is responsible for advocating for student interests, providing a platform for students to voice their concerns, and allocating funding for student activities and initiatives.

Club Co-Advisor: Marissa Owens,, Co-Advisor: Caeley Flowers,

Student Nurse Association (SNA)

is a local chapter of the National Student Nurses Association. The mission of the CFK chapter is to support health and wellness through education, advocacy, and community activities.

Club Advisors: Dan Brooke,

Swim Team

comprised of men and women athletes, competes in regular season against other Florida colleges and colleges from around the country in national meets. CFK is a member of NJCAA, which allows the College’s athletes to participate in a variety of activities that promote personal growth, effective teamwork, and academic excellence.

Club Advisor: Lori Bosco,

Weights and Wellness Club

Provides students with a supportive community to connect, pursue fitness goals, and enhance their well-being through exercise. Members are dedicated to fostering healthier bodies and minds, building strength and resilience.