
CFK to hold “Fast Track to Spring” assistance, incentives for new students

The College of the Florida Keys will hold Fast Track to Spring events on Wednesday, November 29 to help prospective students quickly get on a pathway toward their academic and career training goals this upcoming spring semester, which begins January 5. Fast Track to Spring services will be available between 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. at the Key West Campus and Upper Keys Center in Key Largo. Future students and their families will connect with CFK staff to receive essential information about degree and certificate options as well as financial aid and payment plans. Personalized guidance through the application process will also be provided. New students who participate in Fast Track to Spring will have their application fee waived, a savings of $30, and receive a $100 Kick-Starter Scholarship. New student applications are due December 1.

CFK graduates Law Enforcement and Correctional Officer Academies

The College of the Florida Keys (CFK)’s Institute for Public Safety (IPS) held a graduation ceremony for two academies on November 9 at the Key West Campus. A total of 15 cadets—12 in a basic law enforcement academy and three in a correctional officer academy—successfully completed their respective training program. Upon passing the state certification exam, each will be eligible to become Florida Law Enforcement Officers or Correctional Officers.

CFK invites all to Community Day on Nov. 4

The College of the Florida Keys (CFK) invites all to its ninth annual Community Day on Saturday, November 4, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., on the Key West Campus. The free, family-friendly event will feature a full slate of attractions—including CFK academic showcases, interactive exhibits, live performances, a bounce house and other children's activities, arts and crafts, vendors, music, free food and drinks, and free T-shirts. As tradition, CFK President Dr. Jonathan Gueverra will lead a salute to veterans and military service members.

College to hold virtual info session on Construction Apprenticeships

The College of the Florida Keys (CFK) invites prospective students to learn about its Apprenticeships in Construction Technologies at a virtual information session on Tuesday, October 24 at 5:30 p.m. CFK is offering Plumbing and HVAC programs in Key West and the Upper Keys this upcoming spring semester, which begins January 5. The deadline to apply is November 1.

CFK to offer “Mini-mester” condensed term

The College of the Florida Keys is offering a “Mini-mester” condensed term within the fall semester, also known as “Fall B.” The eight-week courses run October 13 through December 8. The term provides another entry point for new students to get a head start before the spring term as well as an opportunity for current students to accelerate their progression within the fall semester. 

CFK’s Constitution Day to focus on voting and election system

The College of the Florida Keys’ invites the community to celebrate the birthday of the United States Government at its annual Constitution Day event on Thursday, September 14 at 11:00 a.m. in the library on the Key West Campus. Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787, thus laying the foundation of our government, rights, and freedoms. This year's event will focus on voting systems and the elections process. Monroe County Supervisor of Elections Joyce Griffin will present on the topic and share updates on the new methods of voting.

Hemingway Look-Alikes Give Scholarships to CFK Students

The “Papas” of the Hemingway Look-Alike Society (HLAS) kicked-off the festivities of the famous Hemingway Look-Alike Contest by presenting $19,500 in scholarships to students attending The College of the Florida Keys (CFK) on the stage of Sloppy Joe’s on July 20. “Papa 2013” Stephen Terry and “Papa 2016” David Hemingway awarded four scholarships for literary talent and seven scholarships for nursing students. They also presented two new scholarships for the first time—one for a first responder and one for a veteran.

CFK graduates law enforcement academy in Upper Keys

The College of the Florida Keys (CFK) celebrated the graduation of Basic Law Enforcement (BLE) Academy #84 with a ceremony on July 14 in the auditorium of Coral Shores High School. Fourteen cadets successfully completed the 770-hour training program. Upon passing the state certification exam, each will be eligible to become a Florida Law Enforcement Officer.

CFK Distinguished Alumnus endows Julie Eckard RN Scholarship

The College of the Florida Keys announces the re-establishment of the Julie Eckard RN Scholarship for students pursuing associate or bachelor’s degrees in nursing at CFK. Dr. Kevin Mallinson, CFK’s 2023 Distinguished Alumnus, and his husband Robert Hansen donated $20,000 to the CFK Foundation to endow the scholarship, which was initially established in 1991 following the death of the well-known HIV/AIDS nurse and Dr. Mallinson’s fellow classmate in the nursing class of 1987. The scholarship will support student nurses who are passionate about advocating for patients challenged by adversity, stigma, and/or discrimination—much like AIDS patients were in the 80s and 90s. By endowing the scholarship, the donation will be invested, and its earnings will provide scholarship awards to students in perpetuity—forever memorializing Eckard and supporting nursing education at CFK.

Meet the principal, preview curriculum at CFK Academy charter high school

The College of the Florida Keys invites prospective students, their family members, and the community to learn about CFK Academy at an information event on Thursday, May 18 at 5:30 p.m. at the new CFK Academy building on the Key West Campus. New Principal Dr. Wendy McPherson will present the academic acceleration opportunities available at the new tuition-free charter high school and provide a preview of possible class options. College representatives will answer questions and provide guidance about enrolling. Those interested in attending the event are asked to R.S.V.P. on the CFK Academy webpage at